Women’s Life Coach Helps Over 40s End Their Toxic Relationship With Food

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Kat Pratt Coaching wants you to stop eating your feelings and start healing your relationship with food.
They are specifically reaching out to women over 40, like yourself, who have spent the majority of their adult life in a toxic relationship with food.
Kat Pratt knows that food is an essential part of life, so when the relationship between food and your sense of self is toxic, it can have far-reaching ramifications.
Many women go through a daily struggle with food, and Kat Pratt understands that a fixation on food can quickly become a toxic obsession that impacts all aspects of your life.
Kat Pratt is proud to be offering her one-on-one private life coaching service to you if you have identified that you have a disordered approach to eating.
She is also now offering live classes four times a year to you if you want to learn new strategies to change your relationship with food in a safe, small group space.
In all of her sessions, she will gather a holistic picture of you and help you to make meaningful changes in all parts of your life.
Go to katpratt.com to find out more.


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