World’s First Sound Production & Music Industry Networking App Offers Hip-Hop Sample Library

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If you’re the next Drake, Kendrick Lamar, or Nicki Minaj, you’re going to need access to MIDI Innovation to get to the best of the hip-hop industry and make it to the top. 
The app is the world’s first database catalog for music industry members, and it was designed with the purpose of helping you to make mutually beneficial connections. 
MIDI Innovation is hoping to present both up-and-coming and established artists with a new repertoire of global connections in what has always been a deeply collaborative genre. 
MIDI Innovation understands that it takes more than musical talent and grit to have a song written, produced, and released to the right audience. It takes connections. 
If you sign up for their new networking application, you will gain immediate access to their vast and constantly growing global database of your colleagues and contemporaries. 
You can also have access to MIDI Innovation’s public events, monthly interviews, discussion panels, live event streams and exclusive webinars. 
In addition, you will gain access to the platform’s unlimited hip-hop midi and audio samples library. 
Go to to find out more.


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