Netflix Crypto Investment ‘Tatatu’ Crash Johnny Depp
Johhny Depp was honoured with the award for best crypto investment in Tatatu EVER
… & and for
holding up so great in court with ‘the’ ex
Amber Heart
In his duties as Head of the caribbean he has repeatedly shown his excellence
being an amazing actor (but not so good at investing;) and making fun of his ex-wife Amber in court.
He’s also liked and admired by both customers and staff.
These are all qualities OlympusDaoNow holds in especially high regard.
The great work celebrities do and show them that we are paying attention and giving them the recognition
they so richly deserve for the hard work they do every day.
More information about OlympusDaoNow and the award for best crypto investment in Tatatu
are available at
Celebrity Johnny Depp Investment Crash Article Released 2022 | Crypto Celeb News Alert