Do you have a case of tennis elbow or tendonitis that won’t go away? If you live in or around Austin, Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine offers the latest in EPAT shockwave treatment.
The innovative technology uses sound waves to promote healing when you suffer from tennis elbow or tendonitis.
Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine states that EPAT shockwave technology is ideal if you have a case of tennis elbow or tendonitis that is slow to heal.
You can rest assured that this therapy is non-invasive and that you will experience minimal discomfort or downtime.
Along with elbow injuries, the treatments can be used for knee pain, frozen shoulder, back pain, neck pain, and other musculoskeletal complaints.
Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT) is one form of shockwave treatment, and Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine offers this approach because of its success in other fields.
Your treatment involves application of a gel to the affected area, which assists the shockwaves in reaching maximum effectiveness.
Book a consultation today. Visit for more information.
Central Austin Sports Injury Clinic Offers EPAT Shockwave Treatment For Slow Healing Tennis Elbow