Charleston, SC Experienced Chiropractic Specialist Offers Treatments To Mitigate Chronic Pain

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If you’ve got chronic pain, dollars to donuts your regular doctor said he couldn’t really help you. Or gave you pills for the pain.
But there is a better way! Call Elite Performance & Pain Center (843-873-6004) today!
The clinic, led by Dr. Jeremiah Jimerson – former rehabilitation specialist for the Buffalo Bills – offers an expanded range of treatments for chronic back, joint, & muscle pain.
Dr. Jimerson makes adjustments to your spine & other areas of your body to improve motion & physical function, restore alignment and promote your body’s natural healing processes.
Elite Performance and Pain Center seeks to identify the root cause of your chronic pain – and offer you immediate relief while giving you tools you need to keep your pain at bay.
Dr. Jimerson has been referred to by one medical doctor as a “go-to colleague when nothing else helps a patient.”
The practice offers a wide range of therapies, including PNF Stretching, the Whelton Myofascial Referral Technique, and Meridian Therapy.
Click on the link in the description for more information.


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