Check Out These New CBD Bath Bombs & Benefits: Reduce Stress & Anxiety

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Explore all the CBD bath bomb benefits with Herbane Health
Enjoy that wonderful relaxing feeling of a fizzy bath bomb in a hot tub after a long stressful day combined with rejuvenating benefits of CBD oil.
CBD Bath Bomb RELAX combines Lavender, Italian Lemon, Orange & Peppermint essential oils to promote deep relaxation and reduce stresses of the world
CBD Bath Bomb SLEEP has a deeper combination of Lavender, Eucalyptus & Peppermint to promote not only relaxation, but a deeper sleep.
CBD bath bomb benefits can include: reduced stress and anxiety, relief of PTSD, stabilized mood, help with muscle tension, aches and sores.
All Herbane Health products are created using industrial hemp that is manufactured in GMP certified and FDA registered facilities.
So lay back, relax your mind and let that bath bomb melt the stress away.
Find your perfect CBD bath bomb at:


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