ClearVision Institute Will Treat Your Dry Eyes With LipiFlow® Or Eye-Light® In South Jordan

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If your eyes feel scratchy or burning, you may have dry eye disease. The eye doctors at ClearVision Institute can help you feel better.
They treat Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), a blockage that results in an imbalance in the components of a person’s tears and causes dry eyes.
ClearVision explains that dry eye occurs when the eye’s tear ducts produce either low-quality or insufficient tears to keep your eyes moisturized.
The oils produced by the Meibomian glands can clog the glands, causing insufficient or low-quality tears and leading to a burning or scratchy sensation in your eyes.
This eye care center offers Eye-Light® and LipiFlow® treatments to you if you have not gotten relief from other treatments, like eye drops or nutritional supplements.
ClearVision works with vision insurance providers and also offers vision financing options.
Are you ready to tackle your dry eye problem? Call the experts and book an appointment!
Click the link in the description for more information.


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