Concentrated Bioavailable Liquid Oxygen Drops Can Help You Heal From Canker Sores Faster

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Believe it or not, canker sores are one of the medical field’s greatest mysteries.
We still don’t know exactly what causes them, so there’s no exact way to cure them—which is annoying because the darn things hurt.
If you’re suffering from one and you want to get rid of it fast, why not give oxygen therapy a try?
iamOxygen has recently launched Infusion, a proprietary formula containing bioavailable stabilized oxygen that is easily absorbed by the bloodstream.
Infusion contains high concentrations of bio-available oxygen—about 350,000 ppm dissolved in 2-ounces of distilled water. 
It aids in healing ulcers like canker sores, as well as other conditions, by strengthening your immune system.
So next time you’re suffering from canker sores or just any condition, give your body an immune system boost with a shot of Infusion.
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