Curated Colombian Medium Roast Coffee With Typica Whole Beans & Fine Grind

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You thought Americans love coffee? The average Finn drinks more than twice as much! Actually, all of Scandinavia is pretty much awash in the stuff!
But if you value quality even more than quantity, just taste the Boss Brew difference!
Boss Brew Coffee has expanded its range of premium roasts with the introduction of a Colombian medium coffee with a dried orange, berry, and chocolate flavor profile.
This roast features the Caturra subspecies of the Bourbon varietal, from the Typica plant – recognized for its smooth, well-balanced, and robust taste.
The coffee products e-shop now ships this fresh Colombian, EP-certified roast, grown by smallholder farmers from Medellin, to customers nationwide.
Cultivated at 1300-1500 meters & washed/dried in solar dryers to protect the coffee from rain, the Colombian roast is available as whole beans or standard grind.
To ensure optimal freshness, Boss Brew does not roast the coffee until after the consumer places an order.
CLcik on the link in the description for more information.


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