Get Alternative Non-Invasive Joint Therapy For Sports Professionals In London

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Professor Lee is a consultant sports surgeon, regeneration medicine specialist and leader in cell therapy. He provides cutting-edge treatment for sports injuries in Harley Street.
The consultant is an advocate for non-surgical and biological therapies for musculoskeletal conditions where possible.
His procedures include the latest advancements in tissue repair technologies and non-invasive treatment for arthritis.
The regeneration medicine expert has provided performance medicine consultations and treatment to elite sports people, including high-profile personalities, for over a decade.
Lee’s interventions for muscle injuries in UK Premiership Footballers significantly reduced their recovery time and expedited their return to play.
Orthobiologic therapies include platelet-rich plasma (P.R.P), stem cells, and hyaluranon injections. He also performs Lipogems and Actovegin treatments.
Other procedures include cell augmented meniscus repair, TLS – ACL reconstruction, STACi, Golden Step Knee Replacement, S.P.A.I.R.E, and KneeKG diagnostics.
Professor Lee is the expert you need for the most advanced treatments and the best path to recovery and improved performance. Go to for more!


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