Get The Best New York Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Advice Via Toll-Free 888-6LEJEUNE (888-653-5386)

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Were you stationed at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987?
Did you spend more than 30 consecutive days there?
Has your health been compromised as a result of the toxic water contamination scandal?
Call Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, P.C.’s toll-free hotline now to find out if you’re eligible to make a claim!
Speak with an experienced New York attorney and receive guidance on how best to move forward with legal action.
The support line has been set up in response to the passing of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2021 in June of this year.
The firm is reaching out not only to soldiers who were stationed at the camp but also to their families and staff who worked at the base. Don’t delay – make your claim today.
Find Out More At
or call 888-6LEJEUNE (888-653-5386)


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