Get This Safe Natural Sea Salt Tattoo Healing Kit For Pain Relief & Brighter Ink

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If you’re fresh back from the tattoo shop and looking forward to showing off your brand-new stunner, you’ve got a bit of a healing stretch before you’re ready for the big reveal.
When it comes to your tattoo’s aftercare, H2Ocean has you covered with their Extreme Hard-To-Heal Tattoo Care Kit.
These first-ever vegan sea salt Extreme Hard-To-Heal Tattoo Care Kits contain the highest-quality natural products that are easy to use, antibacterial, and sting-free.
Get pharmaceutical-grade Aquatat skin protector ointment, antibacterial natural moisturizing Blue Green Foam Soap, and an intense moisturizing Ocean Care cream all in one kit!
The Extreme Hard-To-Heal Tattoo Care Kit is hypoallergenic, rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, contains over 80 trace minerals, and meets all FDA, cGMP, and EU standards.
A mild antibacterial soap keeps infection at bay without stinging, and all components of your kit are mineral-free, fragrance-free, and free of dyes.
Is it time you stocked up on H2Ocean tattoo aftercare kits?
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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