GirlCratery’s Subscription Boxes For Community Groups Offer Educational Activities For Tween Girls

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Whether you run a Girl Scout group or a small after-school center, GirlCratery has a new activity your girls are going to love!
Their recently launched themed activity boxes have quickly gained interest amongst the families of young girls, aged between 5 and 11.
Now, GirlCratery is reaching out to the leaders of community group organizations like the Girl Scouts, like yourself.
If you run after-school and weekend activities and workshops with girls and are looking for ways to engage and educate them, whilst having a lot of fun, GirlCratery is the answer.
They believe their themed boxes are both a rich time-making activity but also a money-saving one, as their crates keep girls occupied for hours.
All of their hands-on boxes have been developed to encourage learning independence, creativity, STEM skills, and a bold sense of exploration and adventure.
GirlCratery currently has a jewelry-making crate, as well as a crafting, geocaching, baking, gadgets and gizmos, fitness and fairy-themed crate, and is constantly adding more.
Go to to find out more.


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