Increase Available Talent Pools & Reduce Time-To-Hire With This Crowdstaffing Marketplace

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The evolving recruitment landscape requires an agile HR approach. Workforce innovator Prosperix helps you stay ahead of the game with its crowdstaffing hiring marketplace.
You’ll get immediate access to a huge database of suppliers and talent pools and there’s no subscription fee. You only pay for successful hires.
Better yet, the team actively qualifies and curates all candidates, and advanced AI helps you quickly identify the best people for the job.
Considering the current talent shortage, you probably realize that a new approach is needed. That’s where Prosperix comes in.
The company’s crowdstaffing hiring marketplace helps you expand your available talent pools overnight, while also speeding up time-to-hire, so you can scale your business fast.
Rapidly expand your network of suppliers across both niche and general industries.
The AI-assisted talent-matching algorithms eliminate time-consuming manual processes. That frees up your team to focus on the important things.
Request a demo today. Click the link in the description for more information.


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