Looking For Regular Dental Checkups For Seniors In Chinatown, TX? Try This Multilingual Dentist

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Looking after your oral health is important at any age.
As you get older, regular visits to the dentist are the key to keeping your smile the brightest for the longest!
Dentist 101 of Houston offers a wide range of services for seniors, using the most advanced dental materials and technologies.
Its staff really takes the time to get to know their patients, making sure they feel comfortable before any treatment begins.
Treatments include custom-designed dental crowns, root canal therapy, extractions, composite fillings, and natural-looking dental implants.
Specialized deep cleaning treatment is also available that removes plaque, tartar, and bacteria below the gum line to manage periodontitis and prevent infections from worsening.
Fluent in three languages, they’ll ensure you fully understand what needs to be done and that you get the best personalized treatment for your individual needs!
Click on the link in the description for more info!


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