Loving Essential Oils Shows You How To Ease Menstrual Cramps With Aromatherapy

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To hep you soothe achy cramps, Loving Essential Oils has compiled a guide of the very best essential oils for nixing menstrual pain.
It’s that time of the month again and you feel a familiar ache settling across your lower belly and back. Yep, it’s cramps – and somehow, no amount of painkillers seems to help.
Compiled by a team of aromatherapy experts, the guide features an extensive list of oils that effectively ease menstrual pain, as well as advice on how to use them.
You will find more than 16 recommendations for essential oils that balance hormones, ease cramps, and relieve period-related pain.
The team explains why menstrual pain occurs and offers a detailed breakdown of how essential oils can help.
Many have anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties, as well as pain-relief qualities.
You’re advised to create your own DIY oil blends by mixing your chosen oil with a carrier oil.
Click on the link in description to find out more, or visit LovingEssentialOils.com


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