NxGen Video Ads – #1

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Welcome To Our video Ad “Beta Program”
Over the next few minutes we will update you on the new video marketing trends that we have integrated into our “Beta Program”.
First, what are digital video ads? They are the video ads you see as you watch video online.
76% of businesses and marketers surveyed say that video marketing helped increase website traffic.
80% of Consumers have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.
Businesses using video grow company revenue 49% faster, year-over-year, than organizations without video.
79% of Consumers would rather watch a video to learn about a product than to read text on a page.
80% of Users Can recall a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days.
More than 76% of Users have visited a company’s website after watching one of their video ads on social media.
What thoughts come to mind after hearing these newest trends? We concluded: A video strategy is essential.
In the next video we will review with you our proprietary video script & strategy designed to get you more traffic & sales.


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