Chair Massage in New York City
call now (718) 313-3919
Abr 06
New York City
In as little as 15 minutes of chair massage a week your employees will begin to see results.
It’s a scientifically proven fact that chair massage lowers stress, reduces muscle tension, and rejuvenates the mind and body. All key factors in employee productivity.
Employees consistently report improved mood and a greater sense of well being after a session of chair massage.
Over 50% of lost work days are stress related, reducing work-related by using seated massage has shown a reduction in absenteeism.
Regular workplace massage can reduce the need for doctors visits for many physical complaints and stress-related issues. This will lead to a huge saving in health care for your corporation.
Visit our website at: spamassageonthego.com
On-site Chair Massage New York City | Call Us: (718) 313-3919