Operating A Restaurant, Hotel Or Bar In San Diego? This Consulting Firm Can Help You Claim Your ERTC

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Even though most small to medium-sized businesses now qualify for tax rebates through the ERTC, there are still billions of dollars left unclaimed from the federal government.

Your business could be eligible for up to $26,000 per employee, which you never have to pay back.
Find out using this free eligibility test from Cottage Digital Media.
If you’re eligible, they can help you to complete the entire application process, with a time commitment of 15 minutes or less – guaranteed.
But that’s not the best part – they also guarantee that you’ll get the maximum allowable rebate for your business, with no risk, and no-upfront fees.
The CPA team’s fees depend entirely on your rebate being approved – if you don’t get a rebate from the IRS, they won’t charge you a single cent. It’s a win-win.
What are you waiting for? Take the free eligibility test right now, and claim your rebate today. With no upper limit on funding, it could even be millions of dollars!
Visit ERTCrecoveryaid.com or click the link in the description to claim your tax credits.


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