Many of the payment processing fees you’re paying are unnecessary, and KickFees can help you stamp them out.
If you run an auto repair business, or another specialist trade, you probably don’t have time to check what the bank is charging you, or why.
This innovative Fee Defender software can be plugged right into your existing payment processing system, and it does all the hard work for you.
In fact, Fee Defender works for many business types, including retail, QSR food and beverage, and providers of medical and beauty services.
The firm’s goal is to get rid of all the unfair fees and/or over-billings, so your hard-earned money stays where it belongs.
The system analyzes your monthly payment processing statements to identify undeclared fees or over-billings. Any such charges can then be refunded to your business.
KickFees can also provide you with a complete payment processing solution, which can include card readers, smart terminals, virtual terminals, mobile apps, and more.
Request a demo today. Click on the link in description to find out more!
Payment Processing Protection Software Automates Junk Fee Removal For Auto Repair Shop Businesses