Protect Your Canadian Business & Workforce With A Group Benefits Insurance Plan

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As your wealth grows, so should your expectations – you require a partner that understands your goals and offers you the best wealth planning solutions.
If you’re considering a group benefits plan in Canada, get in touch with Nour Insurance Services (NIS).
The insurance arm of Nour Private Health offers a range of group benefits plans for professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners in Canada.
You can choose from fully-insured, self-funded, level-funded, health maintenance organization, preferred provider organization & high-deductible health plan with savings option.
NIS says that a group benefits insurance policy is a simple but powerful way to improve employee satisfaction and retention.
Some studies suggest that 60% of applicants consider a company’s benefits before accepting a job offer & 80% of employees would choose a well-thought-out benefit over a pay raise.
Being aware of these statistics, NIS is committed to providing tailored insurance solutions, helping you enhance satisfaction and increase talent retention levels.
Click on the link in the description to find out more!


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