Social Emotional Learning Educators Offer Evidence-Based Curriculum Teaching Critical Life Skills

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There are many quotes celebrating the power of resilience, but you may not know the one that applies well to children – the Japanese proverb “Fall seven times, stand up eight!”
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Hope Rising has updated its ‘My Best Me’ curriculum to better reflect and address the skills children of all ages and backgrounds need to master in today’s post-pandemic world.
The global health crisis focused educators’ minds on the importance of resiliency – a trait that is pre-requisite to academic achievement and students’ well-being.
By furnishing them with a well-developed emotional vocabulary, Hope Rising’s lesson plans give children the tools to recognize, categorize, and express their emotions.
These skills – the ability to calmly articulate one’s feelings – are critical for overcoming difficult challenges and building a healthy character.
They learn that when they talk about their internal conflicts, they can make move toward a resolution – while still being connected to others.
Click on the link in the description for more information.


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