This Goal-Setting Book Helps Business Leaders Develop Healthy Mindset Habits

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Have you ever set a goal and felt really motivated to achieve it, only to find old habits, beliefs, and behaviors getting in the way – again?!
Let DeShawn Marks help you move passed everything that’s been holding you back.
Created for ambitious professionals and business owners who want to reach their next level of success, his book offers practical tools that enable you to change your habits.
Titled “Grinding From The Inside Out: Radically Transform Your Life And Become A Real Grinder”, it encourages you to explore your inner world to improve your circumstances.
To write the book, DeShawn Marks has drawn on his years of experience as a life coach, motivational speaker, and teacher.
You will learn that change comes from within and in order to grow you must first look at how your mindset is holding you back.

The book helps you identify your limiting beliefs and emotional blocks and to understand how these have prevented you from achieving your objectives in the past.
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