Top Atlanta Eyelid Surgeon Dr. Chip Cole, MD, Offers Unbiased Look At Eyelid Surgery Risks

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If you’re considering eyelid surgery, you might worry about permanent scarring, swelling, or bruising.
While that’s natural, you’ll be relieved to know that eyelid surgery is one of the safest types of cosmetic surgeries you can get.
Experienced Atlanta surgeon Dr. Harvey “Chip” Cole, III, MD, FACS, discusses some of the most common fears of surgery candidates.
While eyelid surgeries are generally very safe and with minimal recovery times, there are some potential risks if they are performed by inexperienced or unlicensed practitioners.
The most common pitfalls of eyelid surgery are:
– removing too much fat;
– incorrectly placed incisions;
– removing too much skin.
These complications are extremely rare and should not be a concern if the patient works with an experienced, licensed and certified surgeon, says Dr. Cole.
The Atlanta surgeon recommends that you contact a certified plastic surgeon to help you explore the best eyelid surgery option for you.
Click on the link in the description to learn more!


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