Did you know that you can complete your entire pandemic relief claim through the ERTC in less than 15 minutes?
You don’t need to be a tax expert to get your maximum rebate either.
Cottage Digital Media has partnered with a firm of ERTC specialist CPAs to provide a 15 Minute Refund program that’s absolutely risk-free.
The CPA team will guarantee you the maximum allowable tax credits for your business, and they’ll even handle the paperwork.
You could be eligible for up to $26,000 per employee – and you never have to pay it back.
The CPA team can help you to qualify with anywhere between 5 and 500 W-2 employees, even if you’ve already received PPP loans.
Take the free eligibility test on their website to find out if you qualify, and how much you can claim.
If you don’t qualify or don’t receive a rebate, it’s absolutely free.
You can’t lose, so apply today.
Click on the link in description to find out more!
Virginia Beach ERTC Experts: Get CPA Help To Maximize Tax Credits For Restaurants & Hotels