YouTube changes ‘strike’ policy for first-time offenders will launch on February 25,

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YouTube changes ‘strike’ policy for first-time offenders
Contact SJ Virtual Media on 0456-925-085
Feb 22
Melbourne, Australia
YouTube changes ‘strike’ policy for first-time offenders. The updated penalty system will launch on February 25, and include more transparency around policy violations.
Creators who violate content rules will first receive a warning — before receiving a strike — and the offending content will be removed.
Although 98% never break Community Guidelines, they are vital to making YouTube a strong community and balancing freedom of expression with the freedom to belong.
All channels will receive a one-time warning the first time they post content that crosses the line, with no penalties to their channel except for the removal of that content.
Along with this new warning, we are also expanding the policy resources available in our help center to give more detail about what behavior will result in a strike.
Visit for more information or call 0456-925-085


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