Buckle up! Teaching kids to exceed their own expectations of themselves is not necessarily easy – but it’s why you got into education in the first place!
Call Hope Rising (405-676-4140) and let the fun begin in earnest!
Hope Rising has updated its ‘My Best Me’ hope-based curriculum to incorporate the pedagogical theories and practices of a growth mindset approach to teaching children.
Growth mindset training helps to rewire children’s brains by changing negative thoughts into more positive ones and seeing challenges as opportunities, rather than impediments.
Hope Rising’s middle school curriculum zeroes in on a student’s frame of mind, recognizing that children have their own beliefs about their abilities and their potential.
Hope Rising’s course encourages a growth mindset – where students believe that they can enhance their intelligence & skills with an open mind and the drive to succeed.
By teaching students how to treat setbacks as opportunities, Hope Rising’s lessons can help kids learn the skills and perspectives that are essential for them to thrive .
Click on the link in the description for more information.
Children’s Education Specialists Offer Growth Minded SEL Middle School Curriculum To Build Hope