Social Boost – Turn Customers To Social Media Followers INSTANTLY
Never Have To Pay To Advertise To Previous Customers Again!
Build YOUR BRAND With The Highest Qualify Followers!
SECRET Shopify App (This cannot be found on the app store)
When a customer finishes their checkout on your Shopify store … they are usually re-directed to a very boring and un-monetized “thank you page.”
…. Social Boost turns this order confirmation page into an opportunity to build your brand & earn more money FAST!
When a customer checkouts – Social Boost will put your Facebook Fanpage banner at the top of the “thank you” or “order confirmation”
This prompts YOUR MOST VALUABLE CUSTOMERS to “like” you on Facebook with one simple click.
Increase Your ROI Instantly
REDUCE Refund Rates!
Social Boost – Explode Highly Valuable Fans