Social-Emotional Learning Team Offers Evidence-Based Life Skills Curriculum To Improve Kids’ Grades

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When you say you are ‘bad’ at something, it suggests you have already given up and accepted your limitations. That’s a fixed mindset. And, studies show, it’s wrong.
Call Hope Rising (405-676-4140) and give your students hope and opportunity!
This education group’s ‘My Best Me’ SEL curriculum offers age-appropriate exercises designed to develop the growth mindset of children from elementary school through 12th grade.
A growth mindset refers to a student’s frame of mind – one that is characterized by curiosity and the desire to learn and improve oneself, regardless of the obstacles.
A typical ‘growth mindset’ exercise that aligns neatly with SEL best practices is known as the ‘hard thing’ rule – students pick a difficult task and persist until it’s completed.
School boards often push back against added ‘soft skills’ coursework, such as SEL and growth mindset initiatives, noting that students’ schedules are full.
For this reason, Hope Rising encourages school districts to imbue all classes with the principles of SEL – a better learning environment breeds superior student academic outcomes.
Click on the link in the description for more information.


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